Innersanctuary Meditations
Crystaline Meditation
In a quiet moment, click on the the image to the left for a peace-filled,
guided meditation for winter...
In a quiet moment, click on the the image to the left for a peace-filled,
guided meditation for winter...
AHHH! FACTOR: As you commit your own yearly promise to celebrate Earth Day with personal actions to eco-green your home, your yard, your community your business, REMEMBER: In many ways we are simply walking plants.
It is in our First Nature to turn toward the Light.
Take your Green Man or Green Woman Self out for 15 minutes of Spring sun. Close your eyes, open your heart, sun-warm your chest and forearms. Your lush, green, leafy being will begin to unfold.
Now is the time to GROW!
Begin with the Breathing Meditation in the main INNER-SANCTUARY SECTION.
As you focus gently upon your full natural breath, feel your feet and the floor of your pelvis becoming more and more a part of the earth. You experience this grounding as the roots and trunk of a tree. You ARE the tree. Note how the roots flow downward into the dark rich soil where you receive penetrating, strengthening energy. You can sense the trunk of your body growing ever upward toward the light and the sustaining roots growing ever downward toward nourishment.
Let yourself experience the rising of sap, the movement upward of healing green energy as it flows up your back and down your front. Let yourself feel the profound sense of awakening in all your cells. You recognize that there is a light radiating from each cell, and every cell is like a tiny bud, just beginning to burst forth from the branch and twig.
Imagine that any tightness or tension in your body is simply a bud or flower ready to open. Gently observe these points within and outside your body. As you focus upon each point, without judgment or criticism, allow it to gently open like the petals on an unfolding flower or the fingers of a leaf. Recognize that tension transforms into resilience, tightness transforms into expansion.
Follow the flow of energy from your toes upward, feeling your legs, thighs hips, your torso, fingers, arms, shoulders all releasing any heaviness or pain. Allow this Green, light-filled energy to expand up and out of your crown. See it flowing from your heart, from the earth at your feet out into the ecosystem, solar system,and on throughout the multiverse of Life.
Feel your core filling with the green growing energy of enthusiasm. Feel your heart opening to the Light encircling you, radiating through you. Feel your Spirit literally lifting! Follow your breathing from soles of feet to crown, noting the growing sense of lightness, the rush of energy filling, opening, expanding, healing you and everything around you.
If you didn't have such firm and grounded roots you might begin to levitate!
Be gentle. Be Green. Begin!
AHHH! FACTOR: As you commit your own yearly promise to celebrate Earth Day with personal actions to eco-green your home, your yard, your community your business, REMEMBER: In many ways we are simply walking plants.
It is in our First Nature to turn toward the Light.
Take your Green Man or Green Woman Self out for 15 minutes of Spring sun. Close your eyes, open your heart, sun-warm your chest and forearms. Your lush, green, leafy being will begin to unfold.
Now is the time to GROW!
Begin with the Breathing Meditation in the main INNER-SANCTUARY SECTION.
As you focus gently upon your full natural breath, feel your feet and the floor of your pelvis becoming more and more a part of the earth. You experience this grounding as the roots and trunk of a tree. You ARE the tree. Note how the roots flow downward into the dark rich soil where you receive penetrating, strengthening energy. You can sense the trunk of your body growing ever upward toward the light and the sustaining roots growing ever downward toward nourishment.
Let yourself experience the rising of sap, the movement upward of healing green energy as it flows up your back and down your front. Let yourself feel the profound sense of awakening in all your cells. You recognize that there is a light radiating from each cell, and every cell is like a tiny bud, just beginning to burst forth from the branch and twig.
Imagine that any tightness or tension in your body is simply a bud or flower ready to open. Gently observe these points within and outside your body. As you focus upon each point, without judgment or criticism, allow it to gently open like the petals on an unfolding flower or the fingers of a leaf. Recognize that tension transforms into resilience, tightness transforms into expansion.
Follow the flow of energy from your toes upward, feeling your legs, thighs hips, your torso, fingers, arms, shoulders all releasing any heaviness or pain. Allow this Green, light-filled energy to expand up and out of your crown. See it flowing from your heart, from the earth at your feet out into the ecosystem, solar system,and on throughout the multiverse of Life.
Feel your core filling with the green growing energy of enthusiasm. Feel your heart opening to the Light encircling you, radiating through you. Feel your Spirit literally lifting! Follow your breathing from soles of feet to crown, noting the growing sense of lightness, the rush of energy filling, opening, expanding, healing you and everything around you.
If you didn't have such firm and grounded roots you might begin to levitate!
Be gentle. Be Green. Begin!