Why we're here and what you can expect from this site:
POEM FOR TODAY - Wild words and poetic inspirations to challenge and galvanize--from Marcie and guest poets (See “Winter Solstice” and guest poem “Into the Air” by Jackson Melnick)
YOUR INNERSANCTUARY MEDITATION - Check today’s Guided Imaging Meditation and“AAAH Factor.” These are specifically designed moments to assist you in pausing, poising, expanding peace and passion during the hectic busy-ness of life. They include recommendations for dwelling in and savoring the simple pleasures and “small rituals” of each day. (See Midwinter Guided Imaging Meditation)
ESSAYS TO NOURISH THE HUNGRY SOUL - Inspiring essays, epiphanies and observations to stimulate your Native Spirit. Ways of action and advocacy to re-engage with your ancient awareness and preserve and conserve the Spirit of Place. How to suspend the learned, imposed “Second Nature” of our speedy, overwhelming lives and re-enter our “First Nature” the immediate experience of the mysteries and teachings of the Natural World.
WISETALK AND INTUITIVE TAKES - How we discover, develop and deliver our Sixth Sense, or Intuitive Technology, primary of all of the human skills. What intuition is and what it is not. Activities and experiential ways to expand the experience and expression of intuition in our contemporary lives.
HOW ARE WE HAPPY? - Happiness How-To’s and Habits: Cutting edge discussion of “Brain Plasticity,” how your brain can re-create itself, proven activities and exercises for changing life-long negative patterns that MOVE depression, anxiety, self-defeating thoughts into deep and permanent, positive Life Change. (See “Thoughts on Thanksgiving ” in “How Are We Happy” Section)
EARTH CELEBRATIONS-CREATING SACRED SPACE - How to develop your own physical-spiritual sanctuary; recognize a “spontaneous vision quest;” celebrate the Medicine Wheel of the Seasons; create a rite of passage for self, family and others. We will honor the important Ceremonies of the Seasons and recognize and implement both Banishing and Beckoning rituals. We will look at Quickening, Birthing, Welcoming, Coming of Age, Moving into our Menses, Men’s Rites of Passage, Moon Cycles, Hand-Fastings and Marriages, Cronings, Coming of Age Again, Blessing and Releasing and Empowerment celebrations. (See “Finding Home” and “Dark Chasing the Light” )
FORUM - The Spirit that Moves Us: Especially, I invite you to dialogue and share what has inspired and transformed your individual mind, body, spirit practices. As our paths bring us to this crossroads, we can feel confident that our life experiences are not coincidental. We have been summoned to share our quests and discoveries. We are gathered in this virtual sanctuary to inform and transform Self and Other. I look forward to your personal words and life-expanding experiences in the COMMENTS SECTION which follows the writing in each of the above categories. (See Dusty Szymansky’s Guest Comment/Winter Solstice blog)